Either fictional movies or movies based on a true story, arouses permanent or temporary ideas or feelings. The movies named Breakfast at Tiffany’s and Freedom Writers and the effects of main women characters in these movies will be examined. Breakfast at Tiffany’s is a fictional movie and it was made in 1961. Audrey Hepburn played the leading role. She represents a young and very attractive woman. In the opening scene, we see her taking off a taxi, going to the window of a very famous jewelry shop, Tiffany’s, in New York. She watches the jewelries admiringly while she has her breakfast, drinking her coffee and taking two bites of her scone. The woman character Holly Golightly (Audrey Hepburn) is a well-known person in New York high society. She can also enamor each man that she wants to. Holly, “a party-girl” has her breakfast in front of Tiffany’s in every morning after the nights she spent with the men older than her and rich. When we base some scenes on which she gets up late and made-up we can estimate that she goes out every single night and she is unhappy at all. Even if it doesn’t shown that she goes out every night, we can interpret the opening scene in this way. Holly, having lonely life in her simple apartment, meets Paul Varjak who moves to her next door. These two characters, who like each other, have common characteristics. The way they spend life and earn money is the same. Both of them are paid of spending time with opposite-sex. Breakfast at Tiffany’s covers the theme of belonging. Many facts in the movie carry a symbolic meaning. Those symbols provide us to know their moods. Although it is predicted that Holly lives an isolated life, it is seen that she is not actually alone in many scenes. She hosts parties in her apartment and she goes out wit different men. Her dresses, glamour jewelries, and the way she holds a glass and smokes show us that she tries to
Either fictional movies or movies based on a true story, arouses permanent or temporary ideas or feelings. The movies named Breakfast at Tiffany’s and Freedom Writers and the effects of main women characters in these movies will be examined. Breakfast at Tiffany’s is a fictional movie and it was made in 1961. Audrey Hepburn played the leading role. She represents a young and very attractive woman. In the opening scene, we see her taking off a taxi, going to the window of a very famous jewelry shop, Tiffany’s, in New York. She watches the jewelries admiringly while she has her breakfast, drinking her coffee and taking two bites of her scone. The woman character Holly Golightly (Audrey Hepburn) is a well-known person in New York high society. She can also enamor each man that she wants to. Holly, “a party-girl” has her breakfast in front of Tiffany’s in every morning after the nights she spent with the men older than her and rich. When we base some scenes on which she gets up late and made-up we can estimate that she goes out every single night and she is unhappy at all. Even if it doesn’t shown that she goes out every night, we can interpret the opening scene in this way. Holly, having lonely life in her simple apartment, meets Paul Varjak who moves to her next door. These two characters, who like each other, have common characteristics. The way they spend life and earn money is the same. Both of them are paid of spending time with opposite-sex. Breakfast at Tiffany’s covers the theme of belonging. Many facts in the movie carry a symbolic meaning. Those symbols provide us to know their moods. Although it is predicted that Holly lives an isolated life, it is seen that she is not actually alone in many scenes. She hosts parties in her apartment and she goes out wit different men. Her dresses, glamour jewelries, and the way she holds a glass and smokes show us that she tries to