When we talk about the person, and the situation, you get to a point where the person actions and the situation may be affecting others. If an individual who sees themselves better than another due to his skin color, and his status, he will be affecting the person who he’s considered to be less than him/her. Person A may feel like he/she can do and say whatever they want to due to their skin color or status. Person A could have grown up in an environment where their beliefs …show more content…
With related to different cultures, they all have stereotypes on people, because of their experience with a particular group or because of what they were taught growing up that was considered as normal behavior. The racist culture has always been a big part of American culture since the European decedents came this country. To apply that racism isn’t in American culture, is letting those who commit and have committed racially hated acts a pass on their hateful action. The American culture has now shifted to a more liberal ideology, rather than a conservative one and now racial discrimination isn’t the social norm. This liberal way of ideology accepts people cultures, sexual orientation, and different religious practices. As time goes on, it will be less prejudice in