A Research Project
Research Report
Ahmed Saeid
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Qualitative Research Methodology (HMEF5103)
Master of Education at Villa College
To My Beloved Teachers
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction 4
1.1 Introduction 4
1.2 Literature Review 4
1.3 Research Problem 6
1.4 Research Objectives 6
1.5 Research Questions 6
1.6 The significance of the study 6
2.0 Methodology 7
2.1 Setting 7
2.2 Research Participants 7
2.3 Data Collection 7
2.4 Field Experiences 8
2.5 Forms of Data 11
2.6 Data Analysis 12
2.7 Reliability and Validity achieved 13
2.8 Changes to Research Questions 13
3. 0 Findings 14
3.1 About the Award 14
3.2 What are the objectives of the Award? 14
3.3 How is it conduced? 14
3.4 Does it have long term benefits for the students? 16
3.5 Would this help to bridge the gap between year seven and year eight when the students start their secondary schooling? 17
3.6 Recommendations 17
4.0 Conclusion 20
4.1 Conclusion 20
4.2 Suggestions 20
References 21
Appendices 22
Appendix A (Permission Granted Letter) 23
Appendix B (Sample Consent Form used) 25
Appendix C (Interview Schedules) 28
Appendix D (Documents) 34
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Introduction
Teaching vocabulary has been a challenging area recently and linguists and language teachers tend to take their sides from explicit – intentional, planned instruction to implicit – spontaneous instruction as a child comes to new words in a text. ‘Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed’ (Wilkins, n.d. cited in Thornbury, 2002). In conveying a message, anyone can say little with grammar, but, can say almost anything in words – vocabulary. Therefore, vocabulary is an
References: Cameron, L. (2008). Teaching Language to Young Learners. UK: Cambridge University Press. Diaz, D Donohue , R. L. (2001). A Case and Strategies for Vocabulary Instruction. Retrived on 25th June 2010, from: http://www.buddies.org/articles/Voc1.html Ediger, Marlow Feculaty of Education. (2006). Course Materials; Teaching and Learning English 1, (notes) Gay, L.R, & Airasion, P Jamaaluddin School. (2010) Young Shakespeare Award; Grade 6 & 7 Lisbeth, D Misulis, Katherine. (1999). Making vocabulary development manageable in content instruction. Contemporary Education, 70(2), p25, 5p. Richards, J.C. (1987). The Context of Language Teaching. UK: Cambridge University Press. Rupley, W Thornbury, S. (2002). How to Teach Vocabulary. USA: Pearson. Tompkins, E Ur, Penny, & Wright, Andrew. (1992). Five-minute activities, a resource book of short activities. New York, New York: Cambridge University Press.