The Effects Of Agent Orange In The Vietnam War
The wife of John Kopystensky, a Vietnam war veteran suffering from the effects of Agent Orange, came to speak about her family and her husband who served in the Vietnam War and was exposed to Agent Orange. She claimed that Agent Orange had struck their family as her husband grew ill and her son born with brain damage that would lead to his developmental issues. In the end she asked not for money but for the reality that is Agent Orange. Veterans were in this fight not only to gain treatment and equality for their service in the war but also to know the truth behind America had done in Vietnam. (5)
Another woman, Linda Gonzales, spoke out during the time representing the veterans by writing a message to those viewing their cause as absurd.
She stated that her husband is going through the same crippling effects as others who were exposed to the herbicide and that it’s a very serious matter. Not only did Agent Orange deteriorate the lives of those exposed to it but also their offspring. Linda had a similar point as Mrs. Kopystensky when she claimed that money wasn’t the way to solve this problem. These law suits weren’t opened to make a profit but instead to put those at fault responsible for the matter.