Sheehan Gilbert-Burne
Word Count: 1650
Question 2: Discuss the effects of poverty on children’s cognitive and social development and the extent to which effects might extend into adulthood
Poverty is a global issue that has been at the forefront of economic debate for over a century. Left wing politicians and anti-poverty organisations around the world still adamantly fight for a more equal economic split, pointing towards research showing the disadvantages poverty creates for those living in it. This research has grown rapidly since the 1970’s and many different factors have been targeted in the attempt to examine the effects poverty has on society. One of the key areas of investigation is the influence poverty has on children and how living in poverty impacts children’s cognitive and social development.
In 2010, census studies showed that in the United States 22% of American children were living below the poverty threshold (National Poverty Center. 2010). These thresholds are determined every year by the Census Bureau and represent the minimum annual amount of income required to support families of various sizes (National Poverty Center. 2010). As children are dependent on others to gain their basic needs, they are at risk of being disadvantaged from living in poverty especially as they are going through major cognitive and social development (Brooks-Gunn & Duncan, 1997). A large amount of research has been conducted to identify the potential disadvantages and there effects on children’s cognitive and social development. Guo & Harris (2000) investigated the influence of five disadvantages that are linked to poverty and looked at how each impact a child’s cognitive development. These were cognitive stimulation, parenting style, physical environment, child health at birth and childhood health (Guo & Harris, 2000). The two main conclusions