Diversity is what founded the United States, an idea that allowed individuals to immigrate to this country with an ability to escape secular violence, poverty, or to pursue a higher education.…
Diversity can be differences in race, heritage, gender, beliefs, physical appearance, mental capabilities, etc. Diversity should be respected and valued because nobody is completely the same as anyone else, even within the categories above. People tend to reject what is different. Our differences/diversities can lead to growth as a society or it can lead to violence and hatred. We must value our diversity in order to work together without causing problems for each other.…
Diversity brings other points of view and perspectives to different situations. Mixing with different people can help us to overcome fears and prejudices having people from diverse backgrounds in the work place will bring different talents, skills and knowledge.…
Diversity is the range of different things, it includes important and interrelated dimensions of human identity such as race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity and expression, socio-economic status, nationality, citizenship, religion, sexual orientation, ability and age. Diversity is valued because, it is associated with understanding how multiple identities relate to patterns of socialization. Diversity builds up the intellectual, emotional, moral, religion, of the community. Without diversity, every person in the world would be the same.…
Diversity is the cultural, moral and lifestyle differences in our population around the world. Diversity is valuable because we would live in a very bland world without it. Customs and tradititions we share are what makes us al different. Learning about eachothers cultures is helpful as well, as everyone can benefit from learning something different and possibly find something relatable to our own cultures and backgrounds.…
Diversity- recognises that all though people have thing in common they are also different in many ways. Diversity therefore consists of visible and non-visible factors which include personal characteristics such as backgrounds culture, by recognising and understanding our individual differences and embracing them we can create a productive environment in which everybody feels valued.…
The importance of diversity is to understand and know, what makes someone different? What makes a community diverse?…
Diversity can be defind as “ to refer to many demographic variables, including, but not limited to, race, religion, color, gender, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, age, education, geographic origin, and skill characteristics..” (u.s department) Diversity is valued because things would not be they way it is today if we did not have it. It make everyone different.…
Diversity means that we are all different. Some of us are male, some female, some tall, some short, some dark skinned, some light skinned. We come from different cultural backgrounds, different faiths, and different family groupings. And we have different learning styles, different personalities, etc. Because we are all different, or diverse, from each other.…
Diversity means people being different and varied having unique and different characteristics, including cultural speaking different languages and ethnic backgrounds.…
The term "diversity" is used broadly to refer to many demographic variables, including, but not limited to, race, religion, color, gender, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, age, education, geographic origin, and skill characteristics. “Diversity should be respected and valued because nobody is completely the same as anyone else, even within the categories above. People tend to reject what is different. Our differences/diversities can lead to growth as a society or it can lead to violence and hatred. We must value our diversity in order to work together for the common good of our society/world.” (Source: US Dept of the Interior)…
Diversity is when individuals value other individual's differences and talents, making a society where everyone can participate and contribute.There are many different types of…
As to every positive thing there are negatives to it as well, there is a hindrance to accepting diversity, for example Stereotypes, a set of beliefs about a group that is applied universally to all members of that group, such as “all Asians are good at math’s”. Another example would be discrimination, not allowing a person to work in your company because of race, color, and sexual preference. For example there would be discrimination in a company if there were a position, which would require a lot of travel so the company would just interview men based on the assumption that women are occupied with family…
The more exposed a population is to foreign ideas and people, the more that population becomes desensitized to any stereotypes or prejudices. If we look at African Americans in present day America, their condition is the best that it has ever been in this country’s history mainly because newer generations of Americans are more racially tolerant than generations past. With each new generation will come even more racial and cultural tolerance because exposure with these generations to cultural diversity will be higher as the future unfolds. In conclusion, cultural diversity helps to familiarize and involve a society with the broader world, creating cohesion and understanding amongst…
What are the different ways that diversity is an integral part of our larger society?…