Divorce is an area of life that many people are dealing with today. Unfortunately, divorce seems to be becoming more and more common. The effect of divorce on children is often overlooked. Divorce can have a negative effect on the way a child develops. Areas that may be affected in a child of divorce are: emotional, behavioral, academic, and social. Parents play a crucial role in how well a child is able to adjust to the divorce. Another area that has been researched is the area of gender. Boys and girls seem to be effected differently as an effect of divorce. Parents and other adults may help aid in the process of adjustment and there are many effective ways in which to do just that.
The effect of divorce on children and adolescents is a subject that has been researched for many years in many different ways. Divorce is obviously an area that appears to be more and more common as years go by. Statistics show that 50% of marriages end in divorce. Studies show that couples with children have a lower divorce rate than couples without children. However, plenty of children and adolescents are dealing with the divorce of their parents every day. In fact, children are often the ones that are most effected by divorce.
There are many different factors that add to the equation of how divorce may affect a child. Each family that goes through the aspects of a divorce deals with the situation in a completely individual way but, there are similarities in how children react to their parent’s choice to divorce. Areas that could be affected in a child’s life as an outcome of going through divorce are: emotional, behavioral, academic, and social effects.
Effects of Divorce on Children and Adolescents. Emotional Effects. There may be a significant change in a how a child deals with his or her emotions when confronted with their parents divorce. Some emotions that have been seen are: anger, fear,
References: Bryner, C. Medscape Today. Retrieved May 02, 2010, from http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/405852. Chandler, L. The Social and Educational Effects of Divorce on Children. Retrieved May 02, 2010, from http://clearinghouse.missouriwestern.edu/manuscripts/381.php Coleman, L., & Glenn, F. (May 2010). The Varied Impact of Couple Relationship Breakdown on Children: I Implications for Practice and Policy. Children & Society, 24, 3. p.238(12). Retrieved April 17, 2010, from Academic OneFile via Gale: http://find.galegroup.com.ezproxy.liberty.edu:2048/gtx/start.do?prodId=AONE&userGro upNam e=vic_liberty Ellis, E. (2000). The legacy of divorce in the postmodern age. Divorce wars: Interventions with families in conflict (pp. 9-36). American Psychological Association. doi:10.1037/10359-001. Foulkes-Jamison, PhD, Lesley. The Effects of Divorce on Children. (2001) Retrieved from http://cpancf.com/articles_files/efffectsdivorceonchildren.asp Kelly, Joan B. (2010) Child and Adolescent Adjustment in Divorce. The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology.