Ever since the birth of the first cloned sheep, named Dolly, the dream of human cloning has existed (Van Dijck, 1999). Cloning a mammal is described as the manipulation of an animal or human cell in order to create an identical copy of that animal’s or human’s nucleic DNA (Andrews, 1997). Though the dream of a human clone also comes with a lot of controversy regarding ethics and morals. Embryotic stem cell research, which could lead to a renewable source of human tissue, cells and eventually entire organs (Bowring, 2004), is highly controversial due to the necessity of placing a cloned embryo into a woman’s body in order to achieve that research. Politicians differentiate between therapeutic cloning and reproductive cloning as they refer to the second as “implanting a cloned embryo in a woman's womb” (Bowring, 2004), as for the embryo itself the research is not very therapeutic. Furthermore cloning by transfer of nuclei is not very effective yet as only 1% of manipulated sheep eggs reach adulthood and the number is even lower for other animals (Solter, 2000). The question whether human cloning will ever be possible and ethical remains to be answered but it seems certain that extra research in embryotic stem cells will improve techniques and success rates, which eventually brings the realization of a human clone closer one step at a time.…
What is cloning? Cloning, a process in which genetically identical copies of a biological entity are produced. The copy is referred to as a clone because it has the same makeup as the original thing it was cloned from. Cloning can happen naturally through asexual reproduction where a one parent cell splits itself into two identical daughter cells. In humans cloning can happen naturally when a fertilized egg splits making two embryos with almost identical genetic makeup, although they do not look genetically identical to either parent. Artificial cloning in animals, or reproductive cloning, is what is erroneous since it can damage the original or the clone permanently. There are other forms of artificial cloning such as gene cloning and therapeutic…
Human Cloning is the creation of a genetically identical copy of an existing, or previously existing, human being or growing cloned tissue from that individual (Cloning Fact Sheet). Scientists remove the nucleus, which contains the genetic material, from an egg. The genetic material from an adult somatic cell is removed and placed in the egg. It now has a complete set of genes. The egg is placed in a petri dish to allow it to develop into an embryo, which is placed into a surrogate mother to continue to grow and develop into a baby (Genetic Science Learning Center). This technique is called nuclear transfer or nuclear transplantation because they transfer the nucleus from one cell to another (Kilner). Therapeutic cloning is a technique of human…
Cloning is a naturally occurring phenomenon, as well as a human induced process. A clone is a living organism deriving from another, with identical set of genes. A naturally occurring anthropological example of a clone would be twins, a set of individuals with identical DNA. A laboratory-induced clone would be stem cell production and animal cloning. In the movie The Island by Michael Bay, the concept of cloning is used as a life insurance policy to elongate the life of a natural born individual. This medical use of cloning has been under the experimental stage for quite sometime now and under ethical question. There are three different ways of cloning, recombinant DNA technology or DNA cloning, reproductive cloning, and therapeutic cloning.…
Until the cloning of Dolly, the development of DNA and gene technology was sluggish. After the birth of Dolly, a new way of looking at genetics was found, raising the possibilities of human cloning. Human cloning, on the other hand, had been thought of as a pipe dream or a work of fiction until Scottish scientist Dr. Ian Wilnot successfully cloned an adult sheep Dolly in 1997. The birth of Dolly represents a considerable scientific and technological breakthrough in the field of cloning because it proved that cloning of animals from adult cells was possible. Dolly also is the most significant milestone in the observation of DNA and genetics and greatly facilitated every aspect of biochemistry. However, the rapid development of human cloning has become a most controversial topic for debating the question of whether cloning should be legal or not.…
There are two main types of human cloning, reproductive and therapeutic. Reproductive human cloning would essentially produce entire, living human beings, whereas therapeutic cloning would only produce parts or pieces such as tissue samples or organs needed for transplantation. The major debate over cloning is an ethical one. Would a clone have the same rights as the original? Would cloning result in a new form of slavery? Personally, I am not sure what the answers to these questions are. But regardless, therapeutic cloning should be allowed because humans are not being created, only the components needed to heal ailing patients.…
Many people argue whether cloning is unethical or if through genetics the life span of a person may be improved. Human cloning creates questions about the soul, the role of god in society, and even the quality of life that a cloned person would have (Health Research Funding). Cloning is a number of different processes that produce identical copies of DNA. There are three different types of cloning: gene cloning, reproductive cloning, and therapeutic cloning. Gene cloning is the process where copies of genes or segments of DNA. Reproductive cloning is a copy of animals. Therapeutic cloning is embryonic stem cells for experiments to replace injuries or diseased cells. Cloning can be used for many reasons such as medical research, endangered or extinct species could be recreated, reproducing a loved pet that is deceased, cloning livestock for a higher quality milk or meat, and also…
Human cloning is also a controversial subject stating that humans have no power by Gods to develop life or control death. According to the Human Genome Project, there are three types of cloning: DNA, therapeutic, and reproductive cloning. DNA cloning involves transferring DNA from a donor to another organism. Therapeutic cloning, known as embryo cloning; which involves harvesting stem cells from human embryos to grow new organs for transplant. Reproductive cloning creates a copy of the host. Victor Frankenstein created his monster using Reproductive cloning from distinctive body parts of different host organisms.…
Introduction: Cloning hit the mainstream as a scientific debate when scientists cloned a lamb named Dolly in 1996. Cloning is a process that results in an identical genetic copy of a biological product such as cells, tissues, genes or entire entities. After scientists took cloning beyond the genetic engineering of simple DNA to actual mammals, the controversy grew to new heights. Cloning happens naturally. Plants and bacteria often use asexual reproduction, which tends to produce an exact genetic copy. Twins are another example of natural cloning. Scientists use artificial cloning for use with genes, reproduction and therapy. "Gene cloning produces copies of genes or segments of DNA," according to the National Human Genome Research Institute. "Reproductive cloning produces copies of whole animals. Therapeutic cloning produces embryonic stem cells for experiments aimed at creating tissues to replace injured or diseased tissues." Many argue that cloning can be beneficial in fields such as medicine, agriculture, and science. Others claims that cloning has a direct impact that challenges or runs counter to the moral or religious values of millions of people.…
Cloning is the production of one or more individual plants or animals (whole or in-part) that are genetically identical to an original plant or animal. There are two main classifications in processes of cloning: reproductive and therapeutic. Reproductive cloning is the use of cloning technology to create a person. Therapeutic cloning is the transportation of a person’s DNA into an unfertilized egg in order to grow stem cells in attempts to cure devastating diseases. (Therapeutic Cloning –How It’s Done, 2008, p.1; Coalition for the Advancement of Medical Research (CAMR), 2008, p.1)…
Have you ever wished you could have a clone of yourself to do homework while you sleep or go out with your friends? Imagine if you could really do that. Where would you start? Cloning is a type of genetic engineering; this is the creation of an organism that is an exact genetic copy of another. This in simpler term means that every single bit of DNA is the same between the two. There are three species that can be cloned, which are: human, animal and plant. When the media report on cloning, they are usually talking about the two types of human cloning: reproductive and therapeutic cloning.…
Cloning is a process in which DNA from one animal is put into another to make a baby that is a clone of the animal that the scientists want. That is to put it simply. There are two different types of cloning. One of the types is artificial embryo twinning it is the low-tech way to clone different animals. The other type is somatic cell nuclear transfer, this method produces the same result, but in a different way.…
Human Cloning is the reproduction that involves one parent. Cloning occurs when a single cell from one parent organism begins to develop and divides. This development organism has the same make-up as its parent. We know that in sexual reproduction, it involves two parents. With sexually production organism will have the genetics combination of both parents. The term cloning is normally refers to as artificial. Human cloning practices normally raise questions and concerns for human mankind and medical safety.…
Boatwright begins her essay stating that due to “the historic announcement in Scotland of the existence of a cloned sheep named Dolly”, the argument of what is ethical regarding cloning research has become a colossal debate (212). She goes on to give a brief anecdote of how the sheep was cloned and conveys to the reader that most scientists now see human experimentation as “the next logical step” (213). The author claims some valid justifications for those who oppose her view. Ones in favor of humans becoming part of the cloning research suggest that the benefits involved with the experiments exceed the risks, therefore making it ethical. Soon, supporters say, the public’s idea of human cloning will be compared to the everyday “normalcy” of biological transfusions that are made today (213).…
Thesis Statement: Although human cloning is a scientific discovery of great significance which is the creation of a genetically identical copy of a human it has some medical advantages; however, it raises high debates because of its religious, ethical, and scientific disadvantages.…