Latrease Brown
March 14, 2011
In society today, many people look for a feeling of freedom. Many people go on vacation and spend money. The most common gateway for people is drugs. Our American society is facing a tremendous drug problem. It has become a highly controversial issue whether drugs such as marijuana should be legalized or not. Some people advocate this issue and believe that legalization is the only solution left for the nation while others oppose because it will increase the number of drug users and drug related crimes. Marijuana is a drug that is illegal in the United States. This drug as you know is bad and causes severe side effects to your brain and body. Marijuana has both short term and long term effects. However, according to scientific experiments, marijuana is known to be beneficial in medicine. The question is should marijuana be legalized? Marijuana is a mixture of leaves, stems, and flowering tops of the Indian hemp plant Cannabis, it can be smoked or eaten. Marijuana use was used in the 1800’s as an energy booster. Marijuana is an illegal drug, though it is legal in some countries. Marijuana should be legalized for adults use because they can make the wise choice as to when they had enough. As for legalizing marijuana and the message it sends to kids, I believe that kids always want to do things that are illegal and once it becomes legal it isn’t as fun because anyone can do it. As reported “The perceived risk of marijuana did not change among California youth between 1996 and 1997. Supporters of legalization believe that if government regulates drugs such as cocaine and marijuana by imposing taxes, then the black market will be eliminated. However, the higher the tax rate, the higher the price of the drugs, and not many users can afford to buy high priced drugs such as marijuana and cocaine. Therefore, they will have to go to drug gangs who sell marijuana and cocaine under the
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