Who would be responsible for allocation of the spectrum and who would it be controlled by?…
wideband wireless access, and shrinking out of unallocated spectrum. Studies indicate that, at any given time and location, there…
References: Federal Communications Commission. (2011). Annual Report and Analysis of Competitive Market Conditions With Respect to Mobile Wireless, Including Commercial Mobile Services (Docket No. 10-133; FCC 11-103). Washington, DC: Federal Register.…
Working Paper 2005-001 MIT Communications Futures Program Massachusetts Institute of Technology 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142 http://cfp.mit.edu…
How has cell phones affected society? The first wireless cell phone invented was heavy, bulky, and ugly, but it was still portable and used to communicate with people. The first cell phones were very expensive and only the rich people could afford them. Little did we know what the effects would be. With the invention of cell phones came both negative and positive effects. While cell phones can be used in emergencies and used for communication among people, they have also caused accidents while driving and inhibited social interaction…
Goldman, D. (2012, 02 21). Sorry, America: Your Wireless Airwaves are Full. Retrieved 07 29, 2012, from CNN Money: http://money.cnn.com/2012/02/21/technology/spectrum_crunch/index.htm?iid=EL…
James, L and Chiehyu, L (2011), 'Civilization and Discontents ', Ars technica, viewed 7 November 2012, http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2011/02/the-wireless-generation-gap-america-in-the-slow-lane/…
FCC 15th Annual Report and Analysis of Competitive Market Conditions With Respect to Mobile Wireless…
According to 2012 Mobile Growth Statistics there are over 6 Billion mobile subscribers worldwide, which accounts for 87% of the world’s population. Over the past two decades cell phones have come a long way in terms of technology. Cell phones have gone from only being able to make and receive calls to texting and surfing the internet. Millions of people feel that they can’t go a day without their cell phone being in their possession. The effects that mobile technology has on today’s population involves a variety of issues such as weakened bonds between parents and children, the health and wellness of this generation, and vehicle accidents due to cell phone usage.…
The key players in the wireless industry are Verizon Wireless, AT&T, Sprint, and T-Mobile. With these four companies controlling 90% of the market, there are no other ‘key players’ in the industry. U.S. Cellular is not quite a ‘key player’, however they do hold approximately 2.4% of the customer nationwide and must be in the overall picture. In addition, the data suggests that the pool of potential people that would get a cell phone is almost entirely saturated so it does not look as if there is any room for additional competition.…
mix of types of users is shifting such that more data is being consumed by…
n May 2010, the government concluded its auctions to award licences for the spectrum enabling roll-out of the third generation (3G) and broadband wireless access (BWA) services in the 22 telecom circles across the country. The use of auctions to enhance the allocative efficiency of a scarce resource such as telecom spectrum is indisputable. However, the desired efficiencies cannot be realised unless the auction design and spectrum management policies are both optimal. The Indian market for mobile telecom services is one of the fastest growing in the world. Prior to the conduct of the 3G and BWA auctions, the national subscriber base for mobile telephone services was reported to be 584 million (TRAI 2010) and had been growing at an astounding rate of over 17 million new subscribers every month. Simultaneously, the telecom policy has engendered strong competition…
Do you have a smart phone? Oops… isn’t that kind of obvious? With Samsung coming out with a new Galaxy “XYZ” or Apple coming up with new EMI schemes or Micromax and Karbonn with even cheaper models, almost everyone now has a smartphone. This is inevitable with the rapid downscaling of electronic devices and progress in telecommunication technologies. But are we overlooking something? Let’s see.…
The setting up of LPG distributorships at the identified locations is a business proposition that…
Radio spectrum is a valuable commodity, and a unique natural resource shared by various types of wireless services. Unlike other natural resources, it can be repeatedly re-used, provided certain technical conditions are met. In practice radio spectrum can accommodate a limited number of simultaneous users. Therefore, radio spectrum requires careful planning and management to maximise its value for all users. Currently, spectrum regulatory framework is based on static spectrum allocation and assignment policy.…