Mariah Taylor
AIU Online
There are many positive reviews on plastic surgery that can make anyone want to pursue it these days. Many men and woman have plastic surgery done because the way that plastic surgeons can change the looks of noses, eyebrows, eyes, cheekbones, breast, thighs, buttocks, and many other features of the body. These things can make anyone want to have these procedures performed because of the way people do not like the way that they look and can result in becoming addicted to the surgery. The things that plastic surgeons fail to inform their patients are the health conditions and medical costs after the surgery. There have been many health complications, permanent deficiencies, expensive medical costs, and sometimes even death. Informing the public about these concerns may lower the number in plastic surgeries and help the people who are suffering from addictive plastic surgery.
Positive reviews Plastic surgery is a growing medical field in today’s industry because of the technology plastic surgeons use on patients for reconstructions from traumatic events, birth defects and the way that men and woman critically think of themselves. This technology has given men and woman reasons to change the way that they look, from their hairlines to their feet. Because of these procedures being performed, they give these people positive views on themselves and can boost their self-esteem and confidence. If a man or a woman do not like the way that their noses, breasts, buttocks, cheek-bones or lips are formed, they can easily go to a plastic surgeon and change those formations into something better. This can give these people high hopes for being beautiful and giving them more opportunities for modeling careers, acting careers, friendships, relationships, and more important, feeling better about themselves. There may be a lot of positive outcomes to plastic surgery, but no one
References: Gill, P., Bruscino-Raiola, F., & Leung, M. (2011). Public perception of the field of plastic surgery. ANZ Journal of Surgery, 81(10), 669-672. doi:10.1111/j.1445-2197.2011.05753.x Gilmartin, J. (2011). Contemporary cosmetic surgery: the potential risks and relevance for practice. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 20(13/14), 1801-1809. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2702.2010.03527.x