
The Effects Of Police Brutality

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The Effects Of Police Brutality
There are a number of stressful situations that a police officer is put into daily, and how a police officer handles these situations can determine their future for many years to come. Police brutality can be caused by several factors whether it be subconscious or on purpose (Lee). However, these situations are not always black and white. In the heat of the moment, officers can shoot on impulse to protect themselves, and to make sure they get back to their families (Lee). There could also be issues on both sides of the gun, whether it be not enough sleep, or an impulse disorder, or some other disorder, a police officer’s main goal is to stay alive, and to protect themselves and fellow officers. It is believed that it is so engrained into officer’s …show more content…
Without sleeping correctly, it could affect your subconscious in ways that are hard to study, but sleeping greatly affects how a mind works and can let you make decisions more rationally than you normally would. There are thousands of reasons that someone may not be sleeping well, and any one of these reasons can cause problems in thought process (WebMD).
In my observations, I have noticed that for police officers it is a job. They go to work and then they get off work just like anyone else, but what is different is that we fear them, when we should be praising them. Most people are scared of police officers because of what we associate them to. Tickets, guns, and racial profiling, all of these reasons play a role in how we view police officers. Profiling, tickets, have a negative feeling toward them, and guns are a weapon. In what I have observed most people tense up around police officers and get nervous for no reason other than
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All of these cause problems, and can cause a police officer or a citizen to react differently than they normally would. Citizens are to blame as well as police officers in some cases, but there is never a black and white answer as to who is at fault. Citizens can make stupid decisions, and police officers can as well. Lastly, we are all human, we all make mistakes for different reasons, and most importantly we are all in this life together and we need to do anything we can to make it as peaceful as possible. We are all to blame for

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