Samantha Nicholas, Cary Menifee, and Kelly Bednar
Hanover College
PSY 346: Adulthood and Aging
Fall 2012
This study was designed to examine the effects of race on life narratives. Participants (N=12, 41.6% female) completed a nine question “life story” interview derived from McAdams (2008). Using a t-test we found there were no overall significant differences between life narratives of African-Americans and Caucasians in regards to positivity/negativity (p>.05) or redemptive imagery (p>.05). We did, however, find a significant difference when participants were asked to tell a story about a turning point in their life. Caucasian participants all told a positive story, whereas their African-American counterparts did not (p= .01).
The Effects of Race on Life Narratives
As a nation, we have come so far in improving the civil rights of African Americans. The Civil Rights Movement of the 1960’s was a significant turning point in this nation’s history. In 1964 the Equal Employment Opportunity law was passed which prevented anyone from not hiring an individual based on race and sex. Today the law has been expanded to include the prohibition of discrimination based on “race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or age in hiring, promoting, firing, setting wages, testing, training, apprenticeship, and all other terms and conditions of employment” (National Archives). The inspiring influence of African American leaders, such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Malcom X, and Rosa Parks, has propelled change and helped make things more equal for all citizens of this country. The election of our first African American president is a significant indicator of how much things have changed.
However, race is still an issue in many aspects of African Americans’ lives. “Compared with other racial/ethnic groups, Blacks or African Americans are at greater risk for experiencing life stress and adversity”
References: Aldous, J., & Ganey, R. F. (1999). Family life and the pursuit of happiness: The influence of gender and race. Journal Of Family Issues,20(2), 155-180. doi:10.1177/019251399020002001 Baldwin, D McAdams, D. P. (1995).The life story interview. http:/ instruments/interview(revised 1995).