In “TV’s Negative Influence on Kids Reaffirmed” by Jeffery M. McCall, he claims that too much television is unhealthy for children. McCall states that children are more likely to be sexually active, violent, and socially impaired. The author claims that television not only negatively affects children, it also prevents children form doing productive activities such as doing homework, participating in sports, and reading. Even though all TV manufactures include v-chips in all televisions, McCall says that most families do not understand the system ratings that come with the v-chip. The author goes on to say that networks rate their own television programs and are not accurately labeling or rating their shows. McCall also argues that parents should…
I believe that television can influence children in good and bad ways. Depending of what types of shows and channels the kids are watching it could actually be a good thing. If a child is only allowed to watch kids shows, and kids’ channels they won’t learn anything bad. If children are just watching shows like Dora the Explorer and Jake’s Neverland Island, they aren’t going to learn anything bad; they may actually learn things that are beneficial. With Dora the Explorer they learn problem solving and also get introduced to some Mexican culture and Spanish. If you were to let a child watch adult shows though, it may not turn out very well. For instance, if you let a little girl grow up watching shows like Teen Mom and 16 and Pregnant, they grow up thinking that the way these girls act is ok, because hey, if they’re on TV, they must be doing something right.…
The evidence or facts the author uses in this article to support their arguments are: Researchers at Columbia 's College of Physicians and Surgeons concluded in 2007, for example, that 14-year-olds who watched one or more hours of television daily "were at elevated risk for poor homework completion, negative attitudes toward school, poor grades, and long-term academic failure. ' ' Those who watched three or more hours a day were at even greater risk for "subsequent attention and learning difficulties, ' ' and were the least likely to go to college.…
The amount of time America’s youth spends watching television can be correlated to a decrease in the quality of the lives of children across this nation. As a…
Dr. John Grohol wrote an article called “Debilitating Effects of TV on Children” which explains that children who watch too much TV affects their academic performance, cause health problems, and possibly lose their innocence.…
As one of the issues that affect children because they watch too much television is health wise. The biggest issue that has been targeted the most is children becoming overweight. “The number of children and adolescents who are overweight or obese has doubled in the past 20 years in the U.S. according to the APP. (LimiTV, n.d.) Obesity has become a big factor and one of the reason why is due to children not having physical activity part of their daily routine. Parents sometimes relay in the television to be some sort of a babysitter in case they are trying to finish any tasks they have. Making this caused a neglect of interaction with…
The University of Michigan Health System expansive website shows that the negative effects of television do not stop at education. The website reports that children who watch TV are liable to have elevated cholesterol, problems sleeping, weight issues, and are more likely to…
Scientist found that those who owned televisions, their children spent at least three hours watching television every day. While those who didn’t own televisions probably spent it on doing something more resourceful and that will benefit them in the future. Television seem to change children lives slowly. Television took away from many hobbies or other activities that were occurring at the moment.…
The negative effects of television are huge. To minimize the potential negative effects of television, it's important to understand what the impact of television can be on children.…
According to Nielson Media Research, in 1950, only 10% of American homes had a television and by 1960 the percentage had grown to 90%. Today 99% of homes have a television. In fact, more families own a television than a phone. Would you believe that 54% of U.S. children have a television set in their bedrooms? They do. I suppose that when you look at those statistics it would be no surprise at all to learn that fifty-five percent of children questioned usually watch television alone or with a friend, but not with their families. Children spend more time learning about life through media than in any other manner. The average child spends approximately 28 hours a week watching television, which is twice as much time as they…
Translating customer needs into design and engineering specs is a matter of listening, quantifying the qualitative and figuring out the possibilities. By using a method called QFD, or quality function deployment you can categorize consumer’s needs into product requirements, functions, parts, reliability, cost, operator training and process controls.…
Television viewing is a major activity and thus influences children and adolescents. While television can entertain, inform, and keep our children company, it may also influence them in undesirable ways. . Studies have shown that television, and media in general, can also have a very negative influence. Some studies indicate it can shorten attention span, create fear, and increase aggressive and anti-social behaviour if exposure is unmonitored and unlimited. Time spent watching television takes away from important activities such as reading, school work, playing, exercise, family interaction, and social development. Children also learn information from television that may be inappropriate or incorrect. They are influenced by the thousands of commercials seen each year, many of which are for alcohol, junk food, fast foods, and toys. Those who watch too much of television tends to have lower grades in school, read fewer books , exercise less and thus Be overweight..…
Dr. Christakis (2008), a researcher who conducted a study relative to this matter indicates that “a child who is watching television at their early age may risk an attention deficit problem”. (p.269)…
Although television might influence the children negatively, I believe that the TV houses are not responsible for this effect. I would appeal to the responsibility of parents, who monitor and restrict their children's viewings, as R. Molony said in his article 'Private viewings'. Too many parents give the children freedom in choice of what they watch, not considering the child's innate curiosity.…
Kids spend more time watching television every day than on any other single activity, aside from sleeping. Since the first television sets appeared in homes, in mid-twentieth century, television has grown into a phenomenon found in almost every household. In the beginning, there were only three principal broadcast networks; today, there are hundreds of channels available. There is no doubt that television has an impact on all of us, especially on children, so that it came to be accompanied with criticisms and concerns. Children love watching cartoons and movies, but too much of it during developmental years can have a significant negative impact on them. To minimize the potential negative effects of television, parents should be control TV watching and substitute it with healthy activities.…