Question 1: How can Israel claim to take a strong stance against terror when it allows Muslim fanatics to rule the Temple Mount?…
The invaders have attacked Jerusalem! The land of Mohammed’s ascension to the great heavens above has been overthrown by the Christian barbarians. They call themselves the ‘Crusaders’ and wear a cross on their armors to represent their god. It is truly despicable to see such a sacred place destroyed by such…
Imagine standing in the dead of night watching everything you hold dear go up in flames. Every possession, memory, and treasure that you have kept over the years gone in a single instant. That is exactly what happened to Anna Bradstreet on that July night in 1666. She stood and watched her whole life disappear into ashes. Like most people she could not understand why this has happened to her, yet in the same instant she praises God for reminding her that the Lord gives and takes without prejudice. Anna Bradstreet is like any person who believes in God, one moment being reminded of His love and the next wondering if your faith is for naught.…
Many didn’t believe the curse until people from the tomb opening started dying from mysterious causes.…
Determining whether the God you praise and worship is choleric because of your presence by the sins you’ve created is a never ending battle in the 17th-18th centuries. Upon the Burning of Our House is a poem, with nine stanzas, written by Anne Bradstreet explaining her understanding and able to live and learn from sin with God. Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God is a work, written as a sermon, by Jonathan Edwards who preaches to all the non-Puritan sinners, that if they don’t convert and take blame for their sins, God’s anger toward them will be unbearable and force them to the pits of hell. Analyzing Bradstreet’s and Edwards’ works, a reader can distinguish the personality of the two writers and the different views of God that people acquire.…
This work of art was done by Georges De La Tour and is titled The Magdalene with the Smoking Flame. It was done in the year 1640, using oil paint on canvas. La Tour did this painting in France. It is currently located at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, but is not currently being displayed to the public.…
On the West Bank and Gaza Strip, Palestinian land has been increasingly taken over by Israel for years. An extremist Jewish group called the Zionists, emerged in the late 1800s , seeking to find a homeland for the Jews, and searching in both Africa and the Americas before finally settling on Palestine. This did not appear as a problem or threat at first but as many more Zionists immigrated to Palestine with the intention of taking over the land to create a Jewish state, fighting broke out with the Palestinians, increasingly surging with Hitler’s rise to power during World War I. To this day, Palestinians have very minimal control of what mere land they have left, especially with Israel’s military forces using extremely oppressive methods.…
On November 4th 1922, Howard Carter discovered real evidence of the existence of a new untouched sealed tomb inside the Valley of the Kings in Luxor. He quickly started to clear the way to its door. News of the new discovery rapidly spread and the discovery caught the world’s attention. The next day the tomb was opened revealing ‘wonderful things’. Within minutes of opening it was clear that an unrobbed royal burial chamber had been discovered. Since that moment the young Egyptian king Tutankhamun has emerged from obscurity and captured the public imagination.…
The character Emily Rose in "A Rose for Emily" is considered a static character because; her traits throughout the story do not change. In the story she is deemed as quiet, inhuman and, even mad. However, through further inspection; there are characteristics displayed throughout the story that can possibly prove that Emily was a dynamic character. Throughout the piece Emily changes both mentally, socially and physically.…
For thousands of years, dreams have been the biggest wonder of scientists, philosophers, and many others. Sigmund Freud notes that “in spite of thousands of years of endeavour, little progress has been made in the scientific understanding of dreams”(Freud 1). Despite a lack of scientific understanding of dreams, there is a great understanding of the various ways that dreams were utilized in ancient literature. There were many different ways dreams were used, however one of the most notable is that in ancient literature dreams were used as a way to give the story a nudge in order to move it along.…
During this conflict lots of innocent people and children were killed in Palestine. Israel has advanced weapon and American aid. American Jewish communities do not support Israel. They stand for Palestine. According to Johns, “ Members of communities rebel, opposing community leaders or attempting to change the rules of the game and by extension, the content and…
Joseph was the eldest son of Jacob and Rachel, but 11th of all of Jacob’s children. Because he was the eldest son of Jacob’s favorite wife, Joseph was his father’s favorite child. Jacob gave him a fantastic “coat of many colors.” However, his father’s favoritism caused his older brothers to become jealous of him.…
The allure of fear is especially evident with all the ghosts and ghouls about on Halloween.…
The story of Joseph, the Pharaoh, and the famine relates closely to project management and the skills necessary to lead a company sufficiently. The Bible explains how the Pharaoh dreams of the ears of grain and cattle for his people, and how Joseph interprets the dream to mean seven years of fortune and seven years of famine for the people of Egypt. In order to prepare for the famine that the Lord is bringing, Joseph creates a system that stores the grain for future utilization. To me, this proves that Joseph was given a leadership position in Egypt because he truly possessed the skills necessary to do right for his people. Leaders must not only courageous they must be smart, tenacious, and aware of the needs of others. Joseph understood the needs of his people and used his tactical skills to save lives, promote profit, and utilize the gifts given to him by the Lord.…
-Most Israelis still want to believe they are fighting only for their security and have nothing against Muslims, while many Palestinians still want to blame the occupation for all violence.…