On the Number of Yearly School Enrollees and
Transferees in Saint Teresita’s Academy.
A Research Project in Economics
Prepared by:
Jessica Flor Villamor
Cinderella Lopez
Gladys Caluya
Karina Gatchalian
Theresse Marie Alaman
Kristina Bance
Heidee Liclican
Angaelica Llanera
Joseph Cruz
To be submitted to:
Mr. Benjamin Villamor Sr.
The World is presently experiencing economic crisis. More so, in the Philippines, which is considered a third world country, more Filipinos are on the poverty life especially with the unemployment and over-population. Most Filipinos lived by hand-to-mouth existence, and so, providing for their children’s education is really a big problem.
Saint Teresita’s Academy has been one of the private schools in Nueva Vizcaya which has the least tuition fee for the last past years. It is no wonder that parents wanted their children to study in STA. The low in tuition fee may be one of the reasons why the parents chose STA aside from it being a private school.
However, the school cannot utilize property with such low income. It cannot function its role as a competent Science Curriculum School without upgrading its facilities and hiring proficient teachers. And so this year, STA decided to increase its tuition fee from 10,462.87 to 11,509.16 with a percentage of 9.09% (approximately 10%).
Since we know that many of our parents are in the low income group, we decided to conduct an experimental study to find out the effects of this tuition fee increase to the number of enrollees and transferees to this school year.
Statement of the Problem:
This research aimed to answer this questions:
1. What are the effects of Increase in Tuition Fee in the school particularly in enrolment?
2. What were the reasons for the transfer of students?
Statement of the Hypotheses:
The following
Bibliography: http://www.philstar.com/Article.aspx?articleId=814813&publicationSubCategoryId=442 http://www.smartparenting.com.ph/community/news/deped-oks-tuition-fee-increase-of-128-private-schools http://www.philstar.com/Article.aspx?articleId=782450&publicationSubCategoryId=442