Marketing Strategies
1. Conversional Marketing
It is a strategy that involves developing a plan to convert Negative Demand into Positive Demand and eventually equal the positive supply level.
In the definition given, there are a few terms that we need to be well acquainted of and that is…
❖ Negative Demand - is a condition where all or most of the potential market may have no liking for the product or the service.
So obviously, the opposite of Negative Demand is Positive Demand, and the main objective of the Conversional Marketing Strategy is for the marketer to develop a plan in which the target market would actually like the product and purchase it thus, converting the negativity of the demand into a positive one which would actually attain the objective of the strategy.
2. Counter Marketing
Is a marketing strategy which involves attempting to “unsell” or destroy the prevailing demand of products and services that are intrinsically unwholesome.
Coming from the definition, is the word unwholesome which leads us to the next term which is…
❖ Unwholesome Demand - It is a state in which any demand is felt to be excessive because of undesirable qualities associated with the offer.
These products are usually under the “So-called” Vice products. These products which are in demand are considered to be excessive because they have undesirable qualities which could affect not only the consumer but also the public’s welfare.
3. Demarketing
It is a marketing strategy that attempts to discourage customers to patronize the product or service that outpaces the supply in either a temporary or permanent basis.
There are certain circumstances that the demand outpaces the supply this is called the…
❖ Overfull demand – It is a state in which demand exceeds the level at which the marketer feels able or motivated to supply it.
In this situation, the demand is higher than the supply. So instead of promoting the product and