Objectives: For this case we offer three objectives that the elganzia group should take into consideration.One of the obvious objective is that Eleganzia group -Increase price + package l as there are four pillars are crucial all linked to customer satisfactions when elganzia’s target market is high income individuals in the luxury market. The 2nd objective is that Keep the same price as 2009+additional segmentation with several questions. This allow elganzia get feedbacks from their noble guests to know their comments and feeling on the facilities and services and identify area to improvement. This also can be a basis to launch new events or activates. Third is Increase price + Convert all 4-star rooms to five star rooms in the forte Village this will provide guest a whole new image and welcome more new or old money guest to experiences. It’s not only tell client something is special about the group’s product sand in order to differentiate themselves from Eleganzia’s competitors. Emphasize on customer service to create positive brand image and impression
-Emphasize on customer service to create positive brand image and impression
- Focus on reinforcing strengths, reinventing