This fact is shown by all the times the main character breaks the laws and disobeys the council. But for Equality’s situation it was understandable to see why he acted out the ways he did through the novella. Equality has great ideas along with bad timing which turns out to only make him want to strive even more. Even though it was the right time and place for Equality to be focused on his ego, it is not a good idea for everyone on earth to have the same motivation. Then we will not have a true leader and everyone will be in chaos to the point of no social and political structure for the world to be structurally…
To begin, when leaders ignore respect their actions undermine the groups ability to function. When Ralph gets assigned Chief by a vote he makes the rules where some of Jacks choir boys will go hunting and some watch the fire so it does not go out. When Ralph and Jack got into a fight about how Jack does not help out the group with their hunting, and how they are just wasting time because they barely catch a pig or any food for the group he disrespects them:…
People weren’t equal because they didn’t have the same disabilities. For example, in the story the reporter had a speech impediment, but everyone else didn’t. Another example is on page 5, where Diana Moon Glampers, the Handicapper General, seems to be able to do whatever she wants without handicaps. This isn’t fair OR equal because when someone can do something that another person can’t, they aren’t on the same level. Furthermore, it isn’t fair that General Glampers thinks everyone should be equal when she has more power than anyone else. It just isn’t possible to have…
Ethics are standards that differentiate right and wrong and how people should conduct themselves. Ethics refer to standards that would prevent someone from doing something wrong, like murder for example. Is it ethical to commit murder? Society has deemed murder as an unacceptable. In the same way ethics help to determine what are appropriate behavior at home, school, and the work place. How we interact with others can be considered ethical, treating others with respect, hospitality, sharing, and helping others in need would be considered good ethical behavior. Ethical standards also include virtues of honesty, compassion, and loyalty.…
The first example of injustice involves Scout wanting to invite Walter Cunningham over to play. Aunt Alexandra does not approve of the older Cunninghams, for many reasons. However, this does not mean she should assume Walter is the same as the rest. “But I want to play with Walter, Aunty, why can’t I?’ She took off her glasses and stared at me. ‘I’ll tell you why,’ she said. ‘Because---he---is---trash, that’s why you can’t play with him’”(256). While talking with Scout, Aunt Alexandra jumps to a hasty conclusion saying Walter is “trash”. Harsh comments…
For most of us, treating people equally and appreciating people's differences is the basis of being a good citizen. This has to be learnt from a very early stage so that children can understand that no matter what differences people may have, we have to still be treated equally.…
All communities run successfully with qualities of fairness and equality. The well-being of the citizens depends on the support and guidance they receive from those with power and influence in their society. When the people become corrupt and start having intentions that do not contribute back to the community, the society will fall apart and be unable to maintain balance and stability. In William Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice and Arthur Miller’s The Crucible the reader sees examples of injustice inflicted on the victims within the plays through the people with power within the community. The Christians in The Merchant of Venice mock Shylock the Jew countless times while the high court in The Crucible believe citizens are practicing witchcraft without a proper testimony. In both situations, the Christians and the court see themselves doing the right thing and believe they are contributing to the society when in reality, they break apart the community by persecuting those that are different. The victims in William Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice and Arthur Miller’s The Crucible suffer from injustice as power being placed in the wrong hands leads to the formation of biased decision, the limited free will of citizens and severe punishments.…
Fairness is needed where there is more than one person involving in a task. When a person is alone and carrying out a task individually all by him/herself for his/her own benefits, that person will not feel any unfairness. This means the feeling of being treated fairly or unfairly is the comparison act between the individuals.…
Conflict vs. Consensus: debate needs to happen but shouldn't go too far (need a healthy medium) people still need to trust and follow their government's decisions…
[ 7 ]. Rawls, J., “Justice as Fairness” in Goodin, E., Pettit, P., eds., Contemporary Political Philosophy Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 1997 ch 13…
Being equal in a society will cause a lot of problems non-that will be positive to the community the only person or persons that will benefit from the equality would be the Government that put out the laws of everybody being equal the community gets the negative side of being equal, because people aren’t equal everybody have there strengths and weakness which makes them unique. In the Short Story “Harrison Bergeron” the author show us his viewpoint through the up rising of Harrison Bergeron who fights against the government to later be shot and killed by the government. The author shows us what happened when a citizen is above average in the quote “. George, while his intelligence was above normal, had a little metal handicap radios in his ear. He was required to wear it at all times. It was tuned in to the government transmitter. Every twenty seconds or so, the transmitter would send out some sharp noise to keep people like George from taking unfair advantages of their brain” that just for the government to make everybody equal George has to suffer because the government feels like he is offending the other citizens. (Par 3) The author also talks about the consequences of not following the rules, in the quote “…”two years in prison and a two thousand dollar fine for every ball I took out, said George”. “ I don’t call that a bargain” this quote really reflects how the citizens are afraid of the…
The word “ethics” (the Greek ethika, from ethos - custom, disposition) is usually used in two senses. On the one hand, the ethics - an area of knowledge, scientific discipline studying morality, morals, their origin, dynamics, factors and developments. On the other hand, ethics is defined by a set of moral rules in any sphere of human behavior or the organization.…
Fairness, as described in the standard, is a term that is up for interpretation. Practicing fairness as the leader of a school can mean treating people unequaly. I believe that this is necessary in order to accomplish the goals of educating all students.…
equity”. People speak in terms of what is “fair” or “just” but there is often considerable…
Fairness means open minded with not taking advantage of another diversities or treating people the way they deserve to be treated . In this case the question is not about “right or wrong” situation as a normative theory thus I apply The Golden Rule. Jeffrey Wattles (1996) admirably captures the Golden Rule’s virtues,…