Setting the stage for Communism to spread throughout Europe, Asia and Africa; simultaneously spurring great change and great misery, thus permanently and indubitably altering the course of history.
Lenin’s ascent to power within the Soviet Union occurred after he initiated a Bolshevik coup in the Constituent Assembly of the Provisional Government Soviet; ensuing a devastating blow to Bolshevik power when the Socialist Revolutionary Party won a majority in the earlier Constituent Assembly elections (Slezkine, 130-132). Wherein Lenin violently expulsed all alleged “bourgeoisie elements” and “appeasers”, consolidating his power in a highly fractured, divided and tumultuous state and setting the stage for the full establishment of the U.S.S.R. (Lenin and the First Communist Revolutions,V). An establishment that would spell the start of a campaign of horrendous authoritarianism; whereby members of the Cheka violently and arbitrarily censored and eliminated dissent, food prices were to be completely subject to government dictate, spurring famine, and genocide was carried out upon any ethnic groups who dared to oppose Bolshevik policies to any extent, such as the Don Cossacks (Lenin and the First Communist Revolutions, IV). Policies which were justified upon the premises of their contribution towards the end goal of creating Communism. For the Soviet Union was the first Communist-led state Further, in the eyes of later Communist leaders, atrocities