
The Enrolled Nurse Scope of Practice: Course and Competencies

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The Enrolled Nurse Scope of Practice: Course and Competencies
The Enrolled Nurse scope of practice
Administration of Medicines
Course & Competencies
Important information for registered and enrolled nurses and midwives

Victorian Branch

© Australian Nursing Federation (Victorian Branch) 540 Elizabeth Street Melbourne www.anfvic.asn.asn Published November 2010 Victorian Branch

The Enrolled Nurse scope of practice

Administration of Medicines
Course & Competencies Important information for registered and enrolled nurses and midwives.

This publication is produced by Australian Nursing Federation (Victorian Branch) to assist registered, enrolled nurses and midwives understand the scope of practice of enrolled nurses, with particular reference to administration of medications. The information contained in this document is intended as guidance and is not a substitute for proper legal advice. Financial members of the Australian Nursing Federation (Victorian Branch) are able to access legal advice as a membership entitlement. Further information is also available on the NMBA website:

Page 3 Page 4 Page 4 Page 5 Background Transitional Process Enrolled Nurse Scope of Practice Medication Administration – NMBA Approved Programs and Essentials units of study Medication Administration Qualifications for Enrolled Nurses Course Entry Level Criteria Integrating the Administration of Medicine Competencies into Enrolled Nurse Scope of Practice Course Overview Further Reading

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In accordance with changes associated with the shift to national registration, in effect since July 2010, medication endorsement is no longer displayed on an enrolled nurse’s registration. Instead, the public register identifies where an enrolled nurse is unable to administer medicine as part of their scope of practice. 1 It is assumed by the NMBA that: • enrolled nurses graduating from approved pre-enrolment courses run after 2008 have completed

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