Since a creation, L’Oreal always put a lot of emphasis on the growth of business and turnover. In 1960-1970s it was mainly expanded through acquisition (Vichy, Biotherm, Lancome, Garnier). For the next 10 years expansion mainly focused on internal growth and development of existing brands. Next stage was to conquer specific market segments, for example acquired Helena Rubinstein on the luxury segment, Maybelline in mass-market segment. To complete internal and external expansion and to increase profitability L’Oreal also diversified its activities by investing in pharmaceuticals industry by acquiring Synthelabo and buying Delalande and Delagrange.
The success items for company are innovation, development and entrepreneurial ruling. The key factor plays a leader, a CEO of company. L’Oreal has only 4 leaders, starting from the creation. The article illustrated strategy and orientation of the company of ruling by second CEO Francois Dalle. He introduced 2 organizational models for company implementation as exploration and exploitation that became main strengths of the company. Explore research and innovate for give the best offer for the consumer. Carefully selected acquisition and merge, entrepreneurial approach in ruling