Man has a body as well as a soul. Science is concerned just with the body, it may furnish man with physical comforts. But the main thing that can provide for him the courage to struggle against heavy odds is the religion. It is religion and religion alone, which can bring the healing consolation for his wondered spirit. Religion and science might be incompatible as long as we think that they are trying to do the same job. But they have radically dissimilar tasks, and if we just keep them in their separate district, preventing them from invading each other’s territory, there can never be any real problem of science and religion, yet they in some cases cross ways. To find the critical shared mutual interests and important contributions they make to each other, we need to explore deeper in ways where they are …show more content…
Personally, I believe that these arguments to a degree necessary to keep us intellectually active. Away from war and other acts of hate, questions must be asked in order to gain new information and to have a reason to stimulate the mind and intellect. If we followed religion blindly there would be no progress in either scientific understanding or a growth of the spirit of man. Using the term lifeless could be the best way to express such societies that do not question. Thus, I give all admiration and respect to Albert Einstein as he stated that “Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.” (Einstein A.,