The ethical dilemma presented in the case study examines if you would allow an innocent person to be charged with offense he did not commit. You have been asked to keep quiet by a friend, someone you have known for years. Although you are positive that your friends did not commit the act, you are sure there is an innocent person wrongfully accused.
I believe that it is my duty to be honest and tell the truth about the situation. According to Northouse (2013) ethics is concerned with the kind of values and morals an individual or a society finds desirable or appropriate. My motives for my decision are strictly based on my personal values and morals and not the relationship.
Justification and reasoning
Each relationship that we have whether personal or professional creates a human action. Whether these actions are directly or indirectly, they form some sort of obligation. The case study presented identified that I am friends of someone within my command who has asked me to withhold information while the relationship with the accused is displeasing. Whether it is a moral obligation or the duties and right to respect the rights of people, the obligation in the relationship are affected by our conduct. If I decided to keep the information to myself, I may be seen as loyal. However, my obligation would be respect the innocent when making a moral judgment. The values that I possess have a bearing to the relationships. These values are a moral obligation for the truth. The relationship has no relevance for my moral action.
Ethical frameworks
Addressing ethical issues from an awareness of the theoretical framework may increase a leader’s moral development (Cavanagh et al., 1981; Kohlberg, 1969). In order to comprehend the reason behind ethical motives, you must understand the ethical framework that guides these behaviors. The two ethical theories that deal with the behaviors are Teleological, which represent consequences
References: Cavanagh, Gerald, F., Moberg, Dennis J. and Velasquez, Manuel (1981). The ethics of organizational politics. Academy of Management Review, 6 (3): 363-374. Guillory, W., Stramwasser, R., Pinos, V., & Twigg, N. W. (2012). How ethical theory may enhance corporate social responsibilities in the 21st Century?. Feature Edition, 2012(3), 77-89. Northouse, P. G. (2013). Leadership: Theory and practice (6th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.