Some pro-lifers use the surgery done by Joseph Bruner where he repairs a 21 week old unborn baby’s spina bifida as an argument that there is a living, growing, feeling human being long before birth. In this case the child inside the mother reached out through the incision and grabbed the surgeon’s finger. The procedure was completed and the baby was born healthy months later. Another argument is medical research done by Dr. H. M. Liley, the leading expert on the study of babies before birth. His findings indicate that unborn babies can feel pain. Through invading the mother’s womb he discovered that an unborn baby will react to pain in the same fashion that a child would.
The ultimate question still remains. Is abortion wrong or unethical? In my personal opinion, yes it is. 21 days after conception, although about the size of a keychain, there is a fully formed human being. The foundations of the brain, spinal cord and nervous system have been laid. It has arms, legs, a face and a heart that pumps blood through it completely separate from the mother’s heart and blood. I call that a life, and that’s only 21 days. I have to consider what other amazing things will develop in only 20 more. All within the time frame where killing it is perfectly “acceptable”. The only case I could even consider that merits brutally excising a life from a mother’s uterus with a tube that has a knife on the end of it is rape. But the truth is statistics show that rape pregnancy is very rare. Some reports show that conception as a result of rape occurs in less than one percent of cases and others show four percent. The fact that about half of abortions in the U.S. are repeat abortions is not new, but widely underscored. Abortion is not birth control, especially just because it is inconvenient for someone to have to raise a mentally retarded child, or it is simply unwanted. The fact that someone is only allowed to live based on how “wanted” they are is absurd and sort of frightening. There are many problems that can be solved by dispensing unwanted beings, but it is simply inhumane. The only place this concept fits is somewhere like Hitler’s Germany, but the majority of people would agree that solutions like that are not only unethical, but pure evil.
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