The word ‘ethics’ comes from the Greek word ‘ethos’, meaning custom or behaviour. The concept of ethics was originally proposed by the Greek philosopher Aristotle for the discussion of philosophical questions relating to daily life: the ‘ethike theoria’ deals with the study of, and gives criteria for the evaluation of human behaviour. Since then, ethics has become one of the major topics in Western philosophy when debating social and individual values, their relationship and their hierarchy in society. Today, the meaning of ‘ethics’ is more or less equivalent to that of ‘morals’, which comes from the Latin word ‘mos, moris’ and also means custom or behaviour, but on a more personal level. Moralists, such as Nietzsche, Santayana and Russell, claim that ethical values are rather personal interpretations, deliberations or preferences and not general principles that can be proven true or false. John Ziman, the former Chairman of the Council for Science and Society, interprets ethics not as an abstract discipline but as a way of dealing with differing opinions that arise when traditional values are faced with new realities (Ziman, 2001).
Ethics also refers to the moral principles or values that generally govern the conduct of an individual or group. Ethics can be viewed as the standard of behaviour by which conduct is judged. Ethics also is not just about standard of behaviour, but it is about honesty, justice and fairness. Ethical questions range from practical narrowly defined issues, such as in the modern progress of science and technology with their works and researches, to broader social and philosophical questions such as the scientists and engineers’ responsibilities to preserve the environment and protect the nature. In this assignment, we have gathered some information about the ethical implications of modern progress in science and technology. All the information is gained from some e-books, articles and internet searches.
References: [ 4 ]. The Ethical Implications of the Modern Progress in Science, Ibrahim Ahmad Shogar, 2012.