Read Case 1.2: The Ethics of Hardball.
Can one make an “ethical” decision that is at the same time “good” business? Why or why not? Explain your position.
In the text, Ethics and the Conduct of Business (2009), the author states, “decision making involves many factors, of which ethics is only one” (Boatright, p.6). What this means is that business decisions are made based on the economic, legal, and the moral. However, in order to tie all three of those factors into one, an ethical decision has to be made. Ethics involve making good, moral decisions. Managers can conduct business to help gain a profit, and do this legally, but that does not mean they are conducting business ethically and for the good of the people. Overall, the answer to the question is yes! Yes, one can make an “ethical” decision that is at the same time “good” business. If managers in a business provide a code of ethics for their employees, and apply them to every aspect of their business then it is possible to make ethically, good business decisions.
Should businesses be held morally accountable applying different standards than we use to assess others in a society? Why or why not? Explain your position.
When businesses apply different standards to help make a profit, gain customers, or gain power, they often use regulations and policies in such a way to benefit themselves. What this means is that as humans, we have a moral obligation to do what right and what is legal, but many businesses are only obliged to do what is legally right. They do not have to apply morals, values, and ethics if it does not aid in their company’s success. In the business world, managers and entrepreneurs have learned to interpret the law and legal obligations to benefit their businesses, but many have turned a blind eye to what is morally right. It should be understood that legality issues and moral issues are completely different. For example, businesses that are prohibited in
References: Boatright, J. R. (2010). Ethics and the conduct of business. (6 ed.). New Jersey: Pearson College Div.