Samantha Mathews
In my opinion the death penalty violates the right to life. What is capital punishment? In its simplest form it is defined as the State, or Government of the time, legislating that premeditated murder is punishable by death. Capital punishment has not been proven to function as a deterrent. In this argument, I will put forward my case that the death penalty is immoral and has no place in civilised society.
Historically there is no clear evidence that the death penalty has decreased the murder rate or acted as an effective deterrent to murder. Capital punishment is a violation of natural rights. This is wrong for everyone who is involved: The prosecuted innocent, the criminals, the victim’s family and our nation. The death penalty does not guarantee safety for the innocent. Nothing good comes out of hate, and nothing good can ever come from capital punishment.
What message do we send to the people of South Africa, or any other country in that matter? If our nation choses to enforce a barbaric punishment like this, will the citizens of South Africa listen or only be in trauma and confusion. A situation like this will never be agreed within my opinion.
The death penalty is only an act of vengeance. I am highly against capital punishment. Our constitution is supposed to protect all lives, even the lives of a criminal. Yes terrible and traumatic actions are committed, but it is strongly stated that there is still no right to murder the guilty. The death penalty is actually the most overlooked form of government hypocrisy. Why should the government murder people to show murder is wrong? Will there ever be an actual lesson to learn?
For this argument there is no proof to show that the action of capital punishment acts as a deterrent. When people kill, it is often done out of defence, anger, shock, or even accidently. The criminal doesn’t necessarily think before he or she pulls the trigger. Humans are famous for mistakes and