Nursing is a profession that can be recalled and accounted for since prehistoric times to now it has since come a long way. In fact in earlier times nursing was only a practice reserved for men. The first nursing school was established in India in about 250 B.C., and only men were permitted to attend because men were viewed to be more pure than women, until the 1800’s when nursing became an organized practice. Should one embark on a research about the history of nursing one would gather a lot of information, both interesting and controversial. However our group did in fact embark on a research on the history of nursing or should I say the evolution of nursing. We realized that as time went by the definition of nursing continued changing as well as the way it is viewed. Many persons were involved in the evolution of nursing. The four periods of nursing are the intuitive period, apprentice period, modern period and contemporary period.
In the beginning Intuitive Nursing was the first period of nursing which was before the 11th century during the pre-historic times nursing was done because of their compassion and their wish to help others. It was learned in the manner untaught, but everything was only based on their instincts. Some of the ways that they learned was by taking care of children, the sick and the aged. During this period, people believed that when a person got ill, the cause of their illness was because of an invasion of an evil spirit on the victim's body through the use of "black magic" or "voodoo". Hence the people used "SHAMAN" or "witch doctor" (albularyo) to heal their illness. There was also "TREPHINATION", which was done by drilling a hole on the victim's skull in the belief that the evil spirit and all bad elements will be released. While this practice was evident in this period the knowledge that each individual acquire was base on observation and experiences. Within the Intuitive period times evolved and changed from