The Evolution of Satire: Where the Daily Show Is Taking America
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." -1st Amendment of U.S. Constitution. Fortunately for Americans, they have the permission by law to speak their minds under almost any circumstance about almost anyone or anything. Particularly, humorists and comedians have challenged the 1st Amendment freedom of speech and pushed beyond the boundaries of what is appropriate or inappropriate. Satire, a particular form of humor, is a technique that has been used for centuries in order to express ridicule on government and society. However, the satirist of the past and those of today have different motives and purposes to their use of satire. What is being experienced today is a negative and inappropriate use of it. The question must be asked - under which circumstances and where is the line drawn that constitutes what is inappropriate? By moral standards, there will be disagreement between people in America, but as U.S. citizens, they have an obligation to respect and honor the leaders of their country. The political satire used in humor today is a disgrace to the concept of patriotism in society, and honor and morality musts be restored to the government and the American people. Amendments were created in order to protect citizens and their freedom of speech, but
Stapinski 2 there are circumstances where a line should be drawn about what can and cannot be said in public. In fact, a line has been drawn in the situation where it is illegal to yell fire in a room full of people (when there is not actually a fire). This is because of the seriousness of the issue, and the danger it can create if panic breaks out. The Supreme court has ruled (Near v. Minnesota, 1931) that government officials should punish the abuse of a right and
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Bozell, L. Brent. "The Indecency Argument is Over." Bozell 's Entertainment Column. 2 Dec. 2005. Media Research Center. 9 Dec. 2005 .
Brewer, Paul. "Analyzing The Daily Show." Public Brewery (2005): 1-2. 10 Dec. 2005 .
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Johnston, Ian. "AN Brief Introduction to Restoration and Eighteenth Century Satire." English 200. Malaspina University-College, Canada. Nov. 1998. 8 Dec. 2005 .
Pollard, Arthur. Satire: The Critical Idiom. London: Methuen & Co Ltd, 1970.
Schroth, Raymond A. "The Fall of Dan Rather and Jon Stewart 's Rising Star." National Catholic Reporter 41 (2005): 19. Proquest. American University Library. 11 Dec. 2005 .