People tend to choose their accepted social counterparts based on what they have in common with one another. For example, the Burmese villagers in, “Shooting an Elephant” viewed the foreigner as an outsider because …show more content…
of his European heritage. The villagers may not like the foreigner because of his association with the British government and the fact that he lives among them with superiority as a police officer.
On the other side the foreigner hates being treated as an outsider.
He wants nothing more than to be accepted by the villagers he lives amongst. Circumstances arise that cause him to feel overwhelming pressure to do something he feels is not right. However, he feels that in order to gain a little respect and be on better terms with the villagers, the foreigner feels he must do what the villagers expect to happen. The foreigner makes his final decision based off of the pressure he receives from the crowd of on looking villagers. However, only half of the Burmese in the village agrees that the choice he makes is morally right. Therefore, only half of the Burmese villagers side with the foreigner creating yet another perspective towards him.
The perspective on what tastes good and what doesn’t creates a powerful dichotomy that is applied towards food. Cultures prioritize certain types of food and tastes. For instance, Americans have dogs for pets and would think of it absurd to eat their pets for food. However, on the other hand, Indonesians view dogs as a means of food. Indonesians raise dogs the same way Americans raise cows and pigs. Neither culture is right nor wrong for each one has different perspectives on what is considered acceptable to eat and what is
Dichotomy also plays a big role inside the United State’s society. . “Today, Hollywood has become the center stage of all fashion and the eye for the media. Hollywood and the media work hand in hand, these have made a great influence on what people perceive to be beauty. The media constantly presents beauty as being slim and tall with a full head of hair.” ( The group of people who are easily influence by Hollywood often times listens to whatever Hollywood and the media says and takes it into consideration. Therefore, for this group, if it Hollywood portrays slim is beauty.
People all over the world have a choice on the perspectives on what is socially acceptable. People have a choice what they are influenced by and the same perspectives influence not everyone. In this world it is impossible to tell everyone what to think and not to think which is what makes dichotomy so powerful and an indestructible idea.