Imagine closing your eyes and falling into a deep sleep of black nothingness where there’s no stress, pain, or the crippling anxiety of life. Your body is weightless like a puffy, white cloud floating along. The mind is a clean canvas ready for dreams to be painted upon it; but not regular dreams—no not those—dreams full of happiness, peace, and …show more content…
Because we want to experience this idea so badly, the subconscious mind is occupied by this idea and the result is the object, person, or experience appearing in our dreams and becoming life-like resulting in detailed visuals, remembrance of physical touch, and emotions. We are basically devoured by our deepest fantasies. Remotely anything is possible in this state of euphoria with endorphins running through the body like electricity, igniting happiness and contentment.
When we are abruptly woken from this, our heartbeat is rapid and the mind is confused. As we sit in upright in a state of utmost disappointment, we look for answers. Where am I? What just happened? Oh I was dreaming, wasn’t I? Why did that have to end? This becomes a reminder to the holes in our life that lack fulfillment; we allowed our subconscious to tell us what we’re missing.
Another result would be the dream becoming locked in the memory with the details of the dream being elicited so sharply so we end up believing these dreams are memories with images playing like film in our head. Later realization will occur causing some devastation because that seemingly perfect memory was a dream that only fantasies can