The study was concerned with the factors affecting the performance of secretaries in organizations and a case study of private and government aided primary and secondary schools in Masindi Town Council.
Secretaries are sole sources of organizational success however they are seen not to perform as expected.
The objectives of the study were
To examine whether wages and salaries affect the performance, to find out the effects of education and training on the performance and to determine the extent to which the relationship between secretaries and their working environment affect their performance.
Review of the related literature was made to carry out the study successfully.
Descriptive research design and stratified random sampling and sample size of 30 respondents was used. Data was obtained from both primary and secondary sources, questionnaires and interview as instruments of data collection, data was presented in tables of frequency and percentages.
It was concluded that the factors sighted as objectives affected the performance of secretaries and the researcher made the following recommendations; equal pay for all employees according to the level of responsibility and work done, secretaries be taken for further training and only employ those with enough skills and qualifications, working relations be encouraged at all levels, physical working environment be improved and equipment be purchased.
1.0 INTRODUCTION This chapter is an introduction to research, which presented the background to the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, objectives of the study, hypotheses, area and scope of the study, significance of the study and definition of terms.
Secretaries are one of the most vital workers in organizations hence playing a very great role in the smooth flow of organizational work.
A fully qualified and equipped secretary takes shorthand dictation, transcribes it on