Diane Irish O. Cama
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements in Research II
Jose Panganiban National High School
Jose Panganiban, Camarines Norte
Mrs. Marife Cereno
Research Adviser
March 1, 2013
Abstract Pick one only Mark an “x” in Biochemistry Botany Chemistry Computer Science Earth and space Sciences Engineering Environmental Science Mathematics Medicine and health Microbiology Physics Zoology Gerontology
1. As part of this research project the researcher directly handled, manipulated or interact with (check all that apply)
Human subject Pathogenic agent recombinant DNA
Nonhuman vertebrate animal Controlled subject’s human/animal tissues
2. Researcher independently performed all procedures as outline in this abstract
Yes No
3. This project was conducted at a registered research institution Yes No
4. Is this project a continuation? Yes No
5. I/We hereby certify that the above statements are correct and the information provided in the abstract is the result of one year research. I/We also attested that the above property reflects our own work.
Date Signed Research Plan
Title: The feasibility of Cayenne pepper (Capsicum annuum) and