Holy Cross College of Calinan
Basic Education Department
S.Y. 2014-2015
In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements in
Science IV
Mathematics IV
English IV
Jefferson B. Albutra
Joy Jeric S. Sunga
Shannia May D. Ajero
Rogercarl S. Tayo
Marco Anselmo Aldepolla
Submitted to:
Ms. Melina Gonzales
Physics teacher Ms. Claire Denise Parone
Mathematics IV teacher
Mrs. Clarissa Apale
English IV teacher
Chapter 1
Background of the Study
Nowadays, most of the people are so conscious of how they want to present themselves to others. They want to be beautiful, a star struck that can leave them breathless and having a good-looking skin to be proud of. The Filipinos, especially women want to have a skin that is fairer like what typical women of western countries look like. Although, they are living in a humid country it is not a hindrance for them to become beautiful and look fairer to others. They always find remedy to this kind of problem and that is purchasing and using beauty products that can help them to enhance their skin and nourished it more. The problem is could they afford to buy commercial beauty products that can help them enhance their skins? Consequently, the researchers want to ease this kind of problem like seeking an alternative way of producing beauty products that is cheaper to buy but very effective to use. The main ingredient to be used in here is the durian pulp. "Durian fruit is delicious, soft, succulent and very popular for its unique characteristics. Durian is widely revered as the "Kings of Fruits" in the South-East Asian countries. The tree is tropical in origin and belongs to the genus Durio, family of Malvacae; a large family of