Background of the Study:
People nowadays use alugbati nightshade leaves for cooking and throw away the stems. Instead of throwing the stems, why not investigate a product from utilizing Basella Rubra (Alugbati) stems that will be a great help to the industry. Utilizing the stems of Basella Rubra is also practical and economical for the users.
This kind of plant is abundant even found in backyards here in our country. It has spread throughout the tropical countries and one of the best tropical spinach widely adapted to a variety of soils and climates. Malabar n. has thicker tender stems. It is a good source of vitamins A, C and iron.
The researchers decided to make Alugbati stems as a skin moisturizer because it possesses that commercial moisturizers have like: emollients. This helps the skin to be moisturized and soften.
This study aims to produce and attempts to discover the capability of alugbati stems as a substitute for commercial skin moisturizer. It also aims to produce product that is less expensive and acceptable for people who has skin problems.
Significance of the Study:
This study is significant especially to persons that has a problem on dryness of the skin because they don’t have to buy an expensive skin moisturizer for there is already a substitute to it that is cheaper and environmentally friendly product.
Statement of the Problem:
Is it possible to make a skin moisturizer out of alugbati stems? Are there any properties of alugbati stems that can be used as a skin moisturizer?
It is possible to make a skin moisturizer out of alugbati stems and there are also properties of alugbati stems that can be used as a skin moisturizer.
Materials and Equipments:
The materials that will be use are clean containers, strainer, mortar and pestle, Alugbati stem, Glycerin, and perfume oil.
The independent variables are: