Background of the Study:
This study is done by the researcher to give importance to the chili and kamias fruit. Not just in food, but the researcher wanted to produce a mosquito killer out of them. For all we know that chili has been tested and proven to be the one good ingredient in mosquito killer making and what if it is added by the acidic property of kamias fruit? The researcher wanted to know the effect of the combined property of each fruit.
Statement of the Problem:
This study aims to determine the effect of the said mosquito killer (chili and kamias). Especially it will answer the following questions:
1) Does the said mosquito killer (chili and kamias) is cheaper than the commercial ones.
2) Will this mosquito killer (chili and kamias) can affect the health/kill the person who accidentally took it.
1) This mosquito killer (chili and kamias) is cheaper than the commercial ones because the materials/ingredients used to produce this is cheap and are abundant in tropical countries like the Philippines.
2) Side effects will occur if accidentally taken by anyone.