The feminisation of poverty is a term which relates to a phenomenon in which women represent the disproportionate percentages of the global poor. The term is thought to be dated back to the 1970s, however it wasn’t popularized until the late 1990s. The causes of this phenomenon are debatable however, some are accepted globally by professionals, which are the rise of single-headed households, disparate income, and social and cultural exclusions (The Feminisation of Poverty 2017). Studies were conducted on the sudden popularity of female-headed households and research into various social impact and gender specific effects of adjustment policies led to increased attention being given to the feminisation of …show more content…
Although, it was not till many years after she published the results of her findings did the term gain its ever-growing popularity and recognition.
Women are significantly over represented in relation to poverty. Discuss this statement in relation to one or two examples drawn from your reading.
In the 1990s, it became known the world that women, in many different cultures, represent the disproportionate percentages of the global poor. To further explore this phenomenon the United States and Pakistan will be the subject of this study. The term “feminisation of poverty” first originated in the United States itself, as it was discovered that female-headed households were growing increasingly popular (Valentine 2005). It was then discovered of the high poverty rates amongst the households, and as more female-headed households emerged grew the numbers of poor women and children. During the mid-1980s, it was discovered that almost half of the poor in the US lived in female-headed households at some point of their life. The cultural background of US citizens …show more content…
Discuss this in relation to at least two countries.
Empowering women is a key factor in freeing the millions of women who are forced to endure the horrors of poverty and hunger. Many sources agree that by providing women with access to various economic and educational opportunities, as well as the option to take advantage of the said opportunities, the important obstacle of the statistical differences in poverty would be overcome (The Feminisation of Poverty 2000). In the US, the technique of simply empowering women has spread to many other countries, which let women have their rights that they deserve as a human being.
Many countries around the globe, such as the US, Japan, and Vietnam, which have loaned over sixty-seven billion dollars to combat poverty eradication. This was an effective strategy, as, according to the United Nations Development Programme’s Poverty Report 1998, ten million women around the world are reached by systems of large or small loans (The Feminisation of Poverty 2000). Although, Pakistan did not contribute to the loans, as it is a developing country, the women there are also given the option of help and are receiving