The Fernandez journey to meet Wuzhun Shifan
There was a man named Rafael, he was a tall, skinny man who had a big, content
Family. He had a beautiful wife, and four wonderfully happy children, three daughters and one young son. Their children’s laughter and voices make their parents cheerful. They were as happy and joyful as dogs when they are served their food and are ready to eat. Sophia, Rafa’s wife, was a very appealing lady to be around, she was a stay at home mom, whenever she comes in the room, the room shines bright. Natalia was the oldest and most athletic, Rosa was the second and probably the smartest, and Stephanie she was very artistic, she likes crafts. Rafael and Sophia’s three daughters were …show more content…
their son, the youngest and most energetic and crazy! Due to their Mexican culture and family customs the son and father have the same name, Rafael. They were a rich family that lived in the grand City of Monterrey. In Monterrey it is so peaceful you can hear the crisp wind blowing among the trees and leaves. Being a wealthy, well known family, they had many special benefits such as special dinner parties with The Mexican president’s family. The fancy dinners always fill your mouth with a great amount of plentiful flavor and seasoning. The most common ingredient in every single the Mexican meal is the jalapeno, they are eaten like a vegetable. The Jalapeno’s taste decently spicy, they give you a hot burning, rash around your mouth. Since families were close, good friends the Fernandez family had a special bond or relationship between the Chinese and Mexican government. The two families would often travel to China and other countries together. The wealthy Fernandez family travel all around the world trying new exquisite food from different countries. While traveling they have met many people and other rulers of other impressive countries. The Fernandez family has connections with multiple amazing people from many other countries, who have great talent and skill. The adventures the Fernandez have been through, from the Great Wall of China, to the dense Amazon Jungle, the Egyptian pyramids are only some of the memories the Fernandez have. The Rafael and his happy …show more content…
The restaurant was so busy and crowded with people, it began to have a fishy smell to it. Even with the unpleasant smell people constantly come out to the divine cantonese restaurant. the Wuzhun Shifan was a well known Chinese painter and calligrapher, he was a Zen Buddhist during the Song Dynasty in China. His art was as beautiful as the morning sunrise on the majestic Gulf of Mexico with its white sands, clear beach, and the alluring sound of the crashing waves at the break of dawn. Many people have gone to Shifan to have him perform or do his works of art for money. The Fernandez first trip to China was when they met Wuzhun Shifan, they have been to China 3 times already. Every time they visited the ravishing Chinese country, they would stop by and see Wuzhun for a good amount of days. Wuzhun Shifan was not only Sophia’s favorite artist or but also the family’s tour guide he basically showed them around Jianxi which is the province where he lived. Wuzhun Shifan took the family to a good, popular restaurant where they tried the delicious Cantonese cuisine. While in Jiangxi the Fernandez favorite place was a resort in the big Yellow Mountains, and the Yellow River