
The Fight For Parliamentary Rights: Pym's Junto By Conrad Russell

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The Fight For Parliamentary Rights: Pym's Junto By Conrad Russell
The fight for parliamentary rights can all be directed back to a group of MPs referred to as “Pym’s Junto” by Conrad Russell. They were a small organised group who wished to gain control over the King, part of their strategy was to replace Charles’ advisors with their own men (which was eventually abandoned due to the death of one of the men). The group was extremely active in the Long Parliament where Pym launched an attack on existing grievances (The Redress of Grievances) and established members in positions of influence by proposing various committees with associates as members and chairmen which enabled them to out forward proposals to further their cause and influence debates.
This fight for Parliamentary Rights has always been inherently
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The Act in which Ship Money was declared illegal (of August 1641) removed a crucial element of government during the Personal Rule, it made the King reliant on Parliament and reduced the chance of a financially independent King. The impeaching processes against Laud and Strafford (November 1640) and the eventual Act of Attainder against Strafford (May 1641) saw a focus on the removal of the King’s ‘evil councillors’ and their influence and power over the system of government, it showed the level of power parliament had over the King by the use of an Act of Attainder (which proclaimed an individual guilty without trial) something that in the past parliament themselves had stopped the King from doing due to the malfeasance of it, thus creating a sense of hypocrisy in the proceedings; …show more content…
Additionally, parliament desired to stop his freedom of movement and they framed this as concerns they had about the King going to Scotland, because with Charles’ trip to Scotland came the worry that he would try to deploy a Scottish Army against parliament and they also needed Charles present to pass bills. As mentioned earlier parliament wanted Charles to not be able to choose his own advisors, they wanted only those who were ‘parliamentary approved’ to advise the King, as they ‘believed’ it was these advisors that were the root of the division between the King and his people, they couldn’t directly challenge the King and so went against his advisors and his power. Parliament were also scared that the King’s Arminian beliefs would influence his children and to ensure the future King or queen was closer to the public they wished to limit the King’s education and command over them via the introduction of only those who were ‘parliamentary approved’ to educate the children. In relation to the previous proposition regarding the sharing of authority over the military, parliament also wanted charge over the army’s regime (training, equipment, etc.) as they didn’t trust the King. They also wished to receive a pardon

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