In the second part of the film, Marge interviews two girl’s at a bar. Other than the three main characters, the film also contains a few irrelevant characters, which happen to be two girls at the bar who were interviewed by Marge because they slept with Carl Showalter and Gaear Grimsrud. The girls were minor characters, and their characters were given one aspect. There is one pointless scene within the movie, which has Mike Yanagita, an old friend who calls Marge early one morning stating that he had seen her on TV. and would enjoy her company at a restaurant, when Marge gets there Mike comes off pretty desperate for love and lies to Marge about his ‘past’ wife who has died, and states that he is lonely and would really enjoy having Marge there, let’s not forget Marge is already pregnant with her current husband Norm. The film’s periodic pattern starts to follow a linear path. After the discussion between Marge and the two girls, Marge was able to track down the car Carl Showalter and Gaear Grimsrud were driving that came from Jerry’s car dealership, where she questioned Jerry about the missing car, twice. Second time around Jerry denies the missing car again and then flees out and tries to escape when Marge convinces him to do an inventory …show more content…
While on the way back to Brainerd, Marge spots the missing car that she was just interrogating Jerry Lundegaard for. She finds Gaear Grimsrud getting rid of Carl Showalter’s body (and by rid I mean wood chipped), and arrests him. The story behind Gaear Grimsrud getting rid of Carl Showalter’s body is that Carl comes home from the gun fight between him and Jerry’s father-in-law and he has a gunshot wound to his jaw. Carl is bleeding all over the place, and upset at the fact that he has to come home to Gaear relaxing, eating, and watching T.V. while Jerry’s wife is tied to a chair flat on the ground. Gaear obviously couldn’t take anymore of Jerry’s wife’s shrieking and crying and killed her, and to top it off he has Carl come home and demand that he take his truck and Carl leaves with the tan sierra, the same car that went missing at Jerry’s dealership. It triggered Gaear and he killed Carl in the end. The narrative design of Fargo is eccentric. Although it’s clichéd and straightforward, the film’s message is that this is what a happy life is really about. We feel guilty for being judgmental about it. Overall the thing about the movie Fargo is that it’s pleased to let you not know. It enthusiastically shows you the brutal damage of stupidity and insignificant intelligence, without thrashing residence a moral. It shows you true decency and domestic love without holding it up as the all-important