According to Oates, Virginians in Old Dominion took special pride in how “well” they treated their black slaves. Virginians often were kind enough to bring slaves to their churches with them on Sunday. Here the slaves were privileged enough to preacher’s sermon. However, this benefit and freedom was allowed under certain terms. Blacks would sit (if there were no whites standing) in the back pews or in the balcony. Blacks would never sit in the front or center with their white masters. The gracious efforts of Southampton’s whites were continued on display Sunday afternoon. It was common for masters to allow blacks to visit family and
According to Oates, Virginians in Old Dominion took special pride in how “well” they treated their black slaves. Virginians often were kind enough to bring slaves to their churches with them on Sunday. Here the slaves were privileged enough to preacher’s sermon. However, this benefit and freedom was allowed under certain terms. Blacks would sit (if there were no whites standing) in the back pews or in the balcony. Blacks would never sit in the front or center with their white masters. The gracious efforts of Southampton’s whites were continued on display Sunday afternoon. It was common for masters to allow blacks to visit family and