2. The reason behind creating the factions was for peace, order, and structure within the city. I do not think that the factions are working “toward a better society …show more content…
To be fearless is learning to control your fears depending on maturity and experience. Learning to control your fears varies based on confidence from facing your fears. I do not believe anyone can be fearless. Tris means that being brave differs based off a person’s perspective on a situation.
12. Four’s desire is very realistic for the society he lives in. In the Dauntless faction he is confined to being brave and honest to others and to hope to be other things is realistic. I believe the individuals involved in the Civil Rights Movement as well as teachers deal with/have dealt with different cultures, perspectives, and cultures.
13. I do not agree with Tris’s mom. It is like saying in a perfect world, people would be good all the time without the bad or “poisons.” In everyday life you wake up with a clean slate for doing all things “good” and slowly throughout the day the “bad” things happen or you take part in them.
14. By the end of the book I believe Tris knows exactly what it means Divergent. I think Tris would say that being Divergent is to have no label due to the amount of diversity in a person. Also, having different views and reactions to situations or