The baby hedgehog was constantly trying to find ways for the family to be whole again. So one day the Baby Hedgehog was eating dinner with his family trying to make them laugh but there was no hope. None of the family members cared about him and didn't bother to listen to any words the Baby Hedgehog had to offer. The Baby hedgehog got so mad that the family didn't care about what he said. So he stormed out of the house and ran to the hills. …show more content…
The title was The Five Themes Of Geography. The baby hedgehog started reading the book. The book wrote
Hey kids today we are learning about the five themes of geography to start of we got
Location may be absolute or it may be relative. An absolute location is a latitude and longitude or a street address such as. 2876 lalor rd or 42 north and 82 W (which are the coordinates to wisconsin. While Relative locations are described by landmarks, time, direction or distance from one place to another.
Places has two different meanings.They are human and physical characteristics
Physical characteristics include Beaches, Oceans, Hills, Forests, Places have human characteristics also which include buildings, roads, clothing, and