In the beginning of the story, we see the main character, Myop, wander the field carefree as she “skipped lightly from her home to pigpen to smokehouse.” To her, “the days have never been as beautiful as these.” on a nice sunny day. This starts off the atmosphere and tone of the story as calm and relaxed. We start off with some childlike wonder since “she was ten, and nothing existed for her but song”. It is a normal day but since many children have a vivid imagination and endless curiosity, she decides that “today she made her own path” as she parts from her usual tour through the woods. Like all other ten year olds, she is adventurous and and every opportunity for fun is worth taking. She had gotten “a mile or more from home” when she began to soak in the eeriness of where she was. Although she had come this far before, “the strangeness of the land made it not as pleasant as her usual haunts.” and she “began to circle back to the house”. She wishes to return to the “peacefulness of the morning.”. This is where the text provides evidence of her slowly realizing that this is not the adventure she wanted to have. We suspect that nothing can change from this point but the character “stepped smack into his eyes.”. The context has changed completely and it is unsure what exactly “his eyes” means.
This however is not the turning point for Myop. As she examined what was before her, she took her heel out of the ridge “unafraid”. She manages to continue on after seeing what we can only assume were the remains of a tall man. Myop then notices a wild pink rose. In a sense, we have returned to the childlike wonder and curiosity we started off this in this story, considering that it did not take her very long to divert her attention. She went to add it to her bundle when she sees the “rotten remains of a noose.” This changes a lot for our young main character, and there is a lot of emotion embodied in “Myop laid down her flowers.”. She no longer carries the same amount of innocence as she did when we first began reading The gesture can tell us that she understands all if not most of the situation since at only ten years old, we cannot expect her to know the world. She lays down her flowers as a sign of respect. The story starts off bright and happy and slowly turns to a more gloomier ending. Then, in a matter of minutes, “The summer was over”.