The Forgetful Mail Carrier
Monique D Brown Wellons
Walden University
The Forgetful Mail Carrier
Harold is a 66 year retried mail carrier that took early retirement at 60 due to significant work related incidents that consisted of him making serious occupational errors and delivering mail to the incorrect address. Within the 5 year transition that led to his retiring he became withdrawn, forgot about appointments, one time when hiking he forgot where he lived for over 40 years, he forgot who family and friends where, and lost interest in watching television and reading the newspaper, this was so significant and stressful for his wife that she was afraid to leave him home alone (Butcher, Mineka, & Hooley, 2013). When diagnosing any Neurocognitive disorder, the process must involve the collaboration of a physician, neuropsychologist, and therapist that utilize diagnosis’s evaluations that will include some history of the individual’s medical background, labs, physical, a MRI as well as a neuropsychological assessment. The importance of the medical history of the individual, is to identify any health issues and prescriptions being taking. The physical should examine the individual’s blood pressure, pulse, sight and hearing. The labs will examine liver, thyroid and glucose levels along with the blood and urine. The MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scans the brain to ensure no tumors or blood clots. The Neuropsychological assessment will examine the visual motor coordination, abstract thinking, memory and attention. According to the DSM-V Alzheimer criterion is identified as major (or mild) neurocognitive disorder. Alzheimer is associated with dementia – that has an unnoticeable slow but rapid degenerate onset that leads to death (Butcher, Mineka, & Hooley, 2013). Per the case study Harold was not identified with any other medical condition that would have led to his
References: Borum R, Grisso T. (1995) Psychological test use in criminal forensic evaluations. Proc Psychol Res Pract. Butcher, J. N., Mineka, S., & Hooley, J. M. (2013). Abnormal psychology (14th Ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.