SCI224 Fundamentals of Astronomy
Final Paper
Instructor: William McMullen, Ph.D.
Name: Johanne Val
Due Date: 8/1/11-Revised Copy
For your final paper, pick of the three topics below. 1. The formation of solar systems
What is the current scientific explanation of how your topic evolved into its current state?
Scientific observations of the formation of solar systems have been concluded that the universe has many different types of solar systems and noted that Our Solar system was formed 4.5 billion years ago. Our solar system consists of the Sun, 8 planets, and 5 dwarf planets and asteroids. Many planets have their own moons. However, not all planets have moons. Based upon what we learned in the astronomy course of how everything has a beginning and an ending. Our solar system got created from the cloud that was the Solar Nebula. All stars exist in island called galaxies, and galaxies contain old and new stars as well of clumps of dust clouds. These clouds mostly contain hydrogen and some heavier metals. However, any elements that is heavier than helium is considered to a metal by Astronomers.
The formation of the solar systems started with the idea that a very large cloud of hydrogen gas and dust gets disturbed by something and starts to collapse into its center, the center heats up and becomes a proto-star, the center continues to collapse, under the pull of gravity until it gets hot enough to begin fusing hydrogen into helium and becomes a star on the “main sequence”. It is believe that for a system of planets to form around a star during cloud contraction the cloud must contain heavy elements. When a star ends its life, it explodes in a tremendous