There are several important theological concepts that Christians, especially missionaries, must thoroughly know and believe. First, Christians must understand that Jesus proclamation …show more content…
The revelation of Father-God was profound, because before-hand, Israel had only known God as the “Creator of the Universe” and “God of the Covenant.” Thus God the Father was revolutionary to the relationship of humans with God.
The body of Christ also needs to understand Christ identification as “Son of man.” Jesus identifying himself with this term has several implications. First, Son of man distinguishes Jesus and his humanity. Jesus was human, but he was the perfect human. The term also points to more prophetic identities such as being the Successor of prophets, and fulfilling the prophecy of the Messiah. Last but not least, the title, the Son of Man, relates to God and His reign over mankind.
A very crucial theological statement every Christian should know and believe is that of Christ’s atonement and resurrection for the sins of the world. Christ Jesus came into the world, to live a perfect life in spite of a sinful world; atone for the sin of mankind on the cross; and to rise again and glorify the Father. After his resurrection, Christ commanded his disciples to go into all of the earth, preaching Christ name and salvation. In the end, the world will be judged by Jesus