
The Four Noble Truth Of Suffering

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The Four Noble Truth told by Buddha and their meaning.

It has been said by the Buddha, the Enlightened One: It is through not understanding, not realizing four things that I, Disciples, as well as you, had to wander so long through this round of rebirths. And what are these four things? They are the Noble Truth of Suffering, the Noble Truth of the Origin of Suffering, the Noble Truth of the Extinction of Suffering, the Noble Truth of the Path that leads to the Extinction of Suffering (Pg.193 Pt.1) these are the four noble truth of Buddha. The first truth is the truth of suffering, and is it? Birth is suffering; Decay is suffering; Death is suffering; Sorrow, Lamentation, Pain, Grief, and Despair, are suffering; not to get what one desires, is suffering; in short: the Five Groups of Existence are suffering. (Pg. 194 Pt.2) What, now, is Birth? The birth of beings belonging to this or that order of beings, their being born, their conception and springing into existence, the manifestation of the groups of existence, the arising of sense activity-this is called Birth. (Pg. 194 Pt.2)The decay of beings belonging to this or that order of beings; their getting aged, frail, grey, and wrinkled; the failing of their vital force, the wearing out of the senses-this is called Decay. (Pg. 194 Pt.3)The parting and vanishing of beings out of this or that order of beings, their destruction, disappearance, death, the
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It is briefly stated as “The Two Extremes and the Middle Path. To give one self-up to indulgence in sensual pleasure, the base, common, vulgar, unholy, unprofitable; and also to give oneself up to self-mortification, the painful, unholy, unprofitable: both these two extremes the Perfect One has avoided, and found out the Middle Path, which makes one both to see and to know, which leads to peace, to discernment, to enlightenment, to Nirvana.” (Pg. 199

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