First I will explain how they got their food and what type of food they had to eat because of where they are living. Well the big thing that they had in the Canada, and Alaska were whales seal, and fish,ext.. This is because since they live in the tundra they only have animals that can survive the cold. The Inuit had also lived by an ocean that mostly was frozen over so seals and ice fishing was a big resource for catching seal and fish for food. They used all they could from the animals they hunted they …show more content…
the Inuits shelter was unique because of the way the inuits made them and how it helped them stay warm in a cold climate, the inuits used igloos because the resources used to make the igloo were not hard to get and where and are helpful in a way since the inuit used snow ice it was stable and could hold a lot it could also hold it’s shape, the ice could also keep families warm this was huge for the inuit because they could stay warm. In the example I explained how they had to use resources from where they lived to help them survive they also used resources that kept them warm because of where they lived and what the climate was like. This shows big influencement because the Inuit had to use what they had and what they had they had to use to survive, this builds around their culture because where they lived had something to do about their culture they would not have the same house as the native american who lived in the plains because of the climate and resource difference between both cultures this is the same with the Inuit they are different from other cultures because of the shelter they lived in because of the resources they had to help them